Wily Critters Farm

Wily Critters Farm


Moonstruck Mini Nubians, Lurach Nubian Goats and Anglo Nubian Goats

Moonstruck Heirloom China. F1 doeling born March 2022. 2 days old.

Moonstruck Heirloom China. F1 doeling born March 2022. 2 days old.

About My Herd

Wily Critters Farm in Rice, Washington is home to Moonstruck Mini Nubians and Lurach Nubian goats. I select and breed for excellent health, correct confirmation, friendly, cooperative dispositions, and dairy excellence. They keep me busy, make me laugh and generally make life wonderful. 

This is my personal herd. I raise my goats for milk, yes, but mostly because I love goats. They are the kindest, silliest animals. The first things I see out the window every morning are my goats. And sometimes a llama or two. 

My Goals

In addition to ADGA type Nubians, I breed old style Anglo Nubian goats. This is the type originally bred from Egyptian goats and English Milch goats. They were originally bred to be dual purpose goats, that is, milk and meat goats. If you’re looking for elegance and a true Nubian type this is where you find it.

My focus is on healthy, hardy goats. If they’re not healthy nothing else really matters. Next I breed for very small Mini Nubians with correct breed character. 

Responsible Stewardship 

I participate in ADGA Linear Appraisal. The Nubian based herd is G6S normal. The entire has been herd tested for CAE, CL and Johnes. All results were negative. CAE testing is done annually for breeding goats. New goats, including rescues and pets, are tested for CAE, CL and Johnes to ensure biosecurity. I purchase from responsible breeders and keep complete health records. I live near and work with several of that rarest of creatures, the goat vet.

I do my best to select goats with good dairy traits, health, conformation and attitude. If you're interested in background and pedigrees, please contact me.